Mathé van der Velden


I am delighted that the interest in space travel from my childhood has been revived by the commercial companies, which are taking space travel to a new level at great speed. I do not hide my admiration for the companies of Elon Musk and when he asked in an interview with Robert Zubrin of the American Mars Society what we can contribute to his mission, he answered to more international support for “Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species” needs to be done, I decided to apply. I will contribute within this board to the organization of meetings and presentations.

Michiel de Nijs

Graphic Design

Having studied architecture and urban design, the ways people dwell and work, on and off this planet are of large interest to me. A love for science literature and sciencefiction transfered my focus from earth to space. How will we live on Mars?

Magda Caffé


I was interested in stars and planets from an early age and often watched Star Trek’s voyages of discovery. Are we the only beings or life forms in this universe? Intriguing question. We can observe via modern space telescopes whether water, storms, mists and life is possible on distant planets. According to André Kuipers, it is better for humanity to live on multiple planets to increase our chance of survival as a species. Traveling and living on mars requires a different mindset; if you want a second chance, you must show off.

Tijn van der Zant


There are two frontiers which are difficult to conquer: Space, and innerspace. Mars confronts us with both. Facing the challenge of building a society of mars means acknowledging the struggle of being alive. I choose to feel alive. What do you choose?